Within Greenlight Farm Management, it's possible to create a directory of contacts, so that you can make greater use of reports by simply selecting the contact(s) you need to email it too, such as your farm manager, spray operator and agchem supplier. The process is straight forward:
1) From your site's dashboard, select Site Settings:
2) You'll notice that there's a Contacts option available, select this to open the tab:
3) The contact from the Details tab will be displayed (by default, this will be the Primary Contact), along with any other contacts you've already added.
4) Select Add Contact:
5) Type the person's contact details, ensuring you complete all mandatory data fields (marked with a red star); when finished, select Save:
6) Your contact will be created and you'll return to the Contacts tabs:
7) To use this contact, open a report and apply the relevant filters; then, press Email:
8) The email will appear in a pop-up screen, where you should click your mouse in the To data field so you can see your list of contacts; you can Select All or individually select all the relevant ones you want to email your report to. You can also manually type in an email address:
9) Once you've selected the contact(s), you can just press Send, using the default subject header and email text, however this is editable too.
Hopefully, this article was useful, but if you'd like a visual explanation, take a look at our video version.