Greenlight Farm Management allows you to share your site data with your agronomists, farmers and contractors quickly and easily. Once the invitation has been accepted, data will be accessible instantaneously.
Please Note: To share sites between users in the same Company/Subscription, please take a look at: Setting User Permissions & Allocating Sites.
To share a site with someone outside of your subscription, navigate to the Site Dashboard and select Share this Site:
A pop-up will appear where you should enter the email address of your desired recipient and also select the role on the site.
To find out more about site roles, please read: What site role should I have?
Clicking Invite will send an email invite and a notification within Greenlight Farm Management (which will be evident as per the below screenshot):
You will receive an automated email when the site invitation has been accepted.
Please Note: To share sites between users in the same Company/Subscription, please take a look at: Setting User Permissions & Allocating Sites.